Friday, April 17, 2009


Leaving my family to work abroad is something that I never imagined and wished for. But until now, I really don't know what pushed me to suddenly change the plans I had for myself two years ago. I remember my first few weeks at work. There was never a time that I never saw myself not getting teary-eyed whenever I see happy kids passing by in front of me. I always imagine that those kids are my two two adorable nieces, Kayla and Maricca.

This is Kayla's picture that I have taken when she was still 2 years old (I think). I saw her playing inside her crib. I envy this child for her worry-free mind and happy soul.

This was Maricca's playful morning. I took this in our terrace when she was still 4 years old. It was a beautiful sunny morning and I just had my breakfast when I saw my pretty angel watching her favourite cartoon on TV. She was so excited when I told her that I want to take a picture of her outside. Maricca loves to have her picture taken whenever and wherever she is. Well, I hope to see those smiles from my angels have a lovely day with them once more!

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