Thursday, April 9, 2009


Like many people in the world, I also dream to create something that would show the unique and artistic talent of Filipinos. This is the reason why I like to design and create beaded accessories. Many people would definitely say..."Oh c'mmon, it's not new anymore." Yeah, that's right! I would also agree to that, but why do you think there are still a lot of people like me who wants to devote their time and spend money in making beaded accessories? Simply because, we want to create our own materpiece.

I remember the first few days I created my so-called accessory collection. It was fun and exciting to see and wear my own creation. I was so inspired by a lot of things and people, though at first I was so hesitant to do it because I felt like nobody will appreciate my design. But when I wore my first self-designed and created beaded necklace, the feeling was unexplainable. Suddenly, I felt like I am the most famous accessory designer in the whole world.

It was not too long before my mother saw my creations. I will never forget how her face looked like when she held in her hands the necklace I made. She was so surprised because it's made of big wood beads. It was so unusual for her to see such kind of necklace because she never wore one in her entire life. But I was so happy because she made me feel so proud of myself for having the courage to do it and use the gift given to me.

After few months, my sister and partner Lai started selling all our creations to our friends. We even had our site where people could see all our latest products. But we used to sell also some accessories that were supplied to us by some beaders. The greatest part of our mini-business is when we had our poster which was designed by our sister Tina who's living in Canada. We were like a big company already! Well, I am proud and lucky to have artistic and very talented sisters like them. It is not only the masterpiece that came out from this experience...but a loving and strong brother-sister bonding blossomed.

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