Friday, April 17, 2009

Rich Sanctuary

I was browsing my file of photos of my past projects and saw this picture. I will never forget this project because this was my first serious experience of interior decorating. Well, I think my partner Mabee and I did a good one here. We opted for simple and clean concept here. The owner was quite meticulous about each detail in the room, but we're so thankful that he trusted us with this project.
Personally, this is a great escape from all the noise, chaos, and stressful things going on outside this place. If this is my own room, I would love to see more green and yellow elements here for cozy atmosphere...trully zen style.

I like how the monochromatic scheme was applied in this room featured on because the furniture looked so clean and elegant. I am also thinking of replacing some elements with silver, something that would make it shine and look glamurous.

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