Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer Christmas

I was sitting on my bed when I heard the song "Have Yourself A Merry Little Chrtistmas." I figured it out that it was coming from the TV near me. Oh what a surprise! The movie "Home Alone" is being shown on a summer! I think I'm getting this "homesickness attack" again. I couldn't believe that it's been more than five months already since I spent my last Christmas with my family, and it's sad that I wouldn't be able to be with them again on that special day until...oh I really don't know yet.

This is our picture last Christmas eve. We really enjoyed a sumptuous dinner together...truly a memorable Noche Buena. My sister Tina and I prepared the dinner while the others were busy wrapping their gifts.

The next morning, my nieces Kayla and Marrica got up early and were so excited to open their gifts. I couldn't forget when Kayla cried when she saw her ate's new Barbie school bag. She grabbed the bag and held it as if it's hers. Her mama tried convincing her that she'll have her Barbie bag also when she starts going to school. Well, I once behaved like that when I was still a kid. Anyway, Kayla had her Barbie school bag during the first day of this year and it was given to her by her Lola Felia.

Well, I guess that Christmas could have been more memorable if our dear Nanay was there to celebrate with us. We miss you terribly Nanay! We love you so much!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Beautiful Things

I would always tell myself that "Everyday is another day of new life, great opportunities and possibilities"...well, I think we should all start thinking that way especially in the kind of world where we are living in right now. I was browsing through the blogs posted by great bloggers here when I found this nice and interesting decorative plate. My attention was captured by the Filipino word "Buhay" written on it, which was translated from the English word "Life." This was posted by Melissa of "The Inspired Room." I really like checking out her latest posts because she would always feature great finds that are trully inspiring and interesting.

One thing that I like with my job is I get to see nice and luxurious looking furniture in our showroom, like this nice Clarkston Sofa which comes as set for AED19,995. Well, at least I'm able to sit on it anytime I want to as long as it is not yet sold.